Marmarth Research Foundation: In the Hell Creek Formation of North Dakota

Marmarth Research Foundation: In the Hell Creek formation of North Dakota

Prenocephale skull , 2006
Hell Creek Formation

Prenocephale skull
<em>Palatobaena</em> skull

<em>Palatobaena</em> skull silouhette Palatobaena skull
Turtle Graveyard

I met some really great people that I got the chance to work with, and I had great fun as well. It would really be cool if I could come back and do it again.

Courtney Hadanek
Shephard High School

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Underground Tank

Underground Tank was discovered by Ann Hoff several years ago. Teams of MRF volunteers uncovered postcranial remains belonging to a juvenile hadrosaur. The bones were protected by a thin layer of sandy ironstone and were beautifully preserved. This specimen is currently being prepared by volunteer Dale Zelinski.